Walking the Path
I’m happy to announce that there are still spaces in our cohort.
Walking the Path is an opportunity to be part of a supportive cohort to learn Buddhism through a program of study and practice.
November, 2018 – June, 2019
Program components
* Daily meditation practice at home.
* Readings: An article or book chapter, and a new essay by Joseph each month.
* Personalization (Inquiry), reflecting on the experience of practicing and studying. Writing a short piece on this process of inquiry each month. Joseph will read and provide personalized practice feedback.
* Informal interaction and sharing among cohort members.
* Monthly 3 hour in-person workshop: Sitting and walking meditation, a dharma talk by Joseph, sharing in dyads, Q and A.
*Two daylong retreats.
For more information: jbobrowATcominghomeprojectDOTnet